Oct 15, 2024
  • Box, atoms: Add content to maxWidth

    Add the content option to the maxWidth property on the styling atoms. This will ensure an element is only as wide as its content.


    <Box maxWidth="content" />
    import { atoms } from 'braid-design-system/css';
      maxWidth: 'content',
  • Box, atoms: Add responsive gap support

    Add the gap property to the available styling atoms, inclusive of responsive spacing values.


    <Box gap="small" />
    import { atoms } from 'braid-design-system/css';
    atoms({ gap: 'small' });
Apr 6, 2023
  • Box, atoms: Add borderBrandAccent variants to available boxShadows

    Add borderBrandAccent and borderBrandAccentLight to the available boxShadows, combining the brandAccent and brandAccentLight border colours with the standard border width token. Previously, brandAccent was only available with the large border width.


    <Box boxShadow="borderBrandAccent" />
    {/* or */}
    <Box boxShadow="borderBrandAccentLight" />
    import { atoms } from 'braid-design-system/css';
    atoms({ boxShadow: 'borderBrandAccent' });
    atoms({ boxShadow: 'borderBrandAccentLight' });
Mar 31, 2023
  • Box, atoms, vars: Add small to border radius scale

    Extends the border radius scale to include small as a step below standard. This addition is to support an upcoming design uplift that requires greater fidelity in the scale. Note, the new value is also available as a responsive property.


    <Box borderRadius="small" />
    {/* Or responsively: */}
    <Box borderRadius={{ mobile: 'small', tablet: 'standard' }} />
    import { atoms } from 'braid-design-system/css';
    atoms({ borderRadius: 'small' })
    import { vars } from 'braid-design-system/css';
    const radius = vars.borderRadius.small;
  • Add xxxlarge to the space scale

    Extends the range of the space scale to include xxxlarge. This addition is to support an upcoming design uplift that requires greater fidelity in the scale. Note, the new value is also available as a responsive property.


    <Stack space="xxxlarge">...</Stack>
    {/* Or responsively: */}
    <Stack space={{ mobile: 'large', tablet: 'xxxlarge' }}>...</Stack>
    import { atoms } from 'braid-design-system/css';
    atoms({ paddingY: 'xxxlarge' })
    import { vars } from 'braid-design-system/css';
    const space = vars.space.xxxlarge;
Oct 27, 2022
  • Box, atoms: Remove native buttons on number input field

    Extends the CSS reset behaviour of HTML input fields where type="number" to remove the native increment and decrement buttons.

    EXAMPLE USAGE: The following will now render a HTML input of type number without native buttons:

    <Box component="input" type="number" />

    Additionally, if using the atoms function to build styles, when resetting an input field, the native buttons will also be removed.

    const customClasses = atoms({
      reset: 'input',
Feb 25, 2022
  • Box, BoxRenderer, atoms: Add support for inset shorthand

    Introduces the inset shorthand as a convenience for applying top, bottom, left and right properties.


    <Box position="absolute" inset={0} />


      position: 'absolute',
      inset: 0,
Nov 23, 2021
  • atoms: Add boxShadow border variants

    New boxShadows The following box shadows are now available:

    • borderBrandAccentLightLarge
    • borderCriticalLightLarge
    • borderFormAccentLight
    • borderFormAccentLightLarge
  • Box, atoms, vars: Update theme colour tokens with improved semantics.

    Simplifies the semantics of the colour-based tokens to support upcoming colour mode work. Changes to the property values on backgroundColor and borderColor has flow on affects to the apis on Box and atoms.



    • backgroundColor: surface, neutralSoft
    • borderColor: neutral, neutralInverted, neutralLight


    • backgroundColor: card, formAccentDisabled, input, inputDisabled, selection
    • borderColor: formHover, standard, standardInverted


    Migration can largely be automated by running the Braid upgrade command. You must provide a glob to target your project’s source files. For example:

    yarn braid-upgrade v31 "**/*.{ts,tsx}"

    It may be necessary to manually migrate code in some cases, here are the affected use cases:

    Box backgrounds

    - <Box background="card" />
    + <Box background="surface" />
    - <Box background="formAccentDisabled" />
    + <Box background="neutralLight" />
    - <Box background="input" />
    + <Box background="surface" />
    - <Box background="inputDisabled" />
    + <Box background="neutralSoft" />
    - <Box background="selection" />
    + <Box background="formAccentSoft" />

    Box boxShadows

    - <Box boxShadow="borderStandard" />
    + <Box boxShadow="borderNeutralLight" />
    - <Box boxShadow="borderStandardInverted" />
    + <Box boxShadow="borderNeutralInverted" />
    - <Box boxShadow="borderStandardInvertedLarge" />
    + <Box boxShadow="borderNeutralInvertedLarge" />
    - <Box boxShadow="borderFormHover" />
    + <Box boxShadow="borderFormAccent" />


    - vars.borderColor.standard
    + vars.borderColor.neutralLight
    - vars.borderColor.standardInverted
    + vars.borderColor.neutralInverted
    - vars.borderColor.formHover
    + vars.borderColor.formAccent


    -  boxShadow: 'borderStandard',
    +  boxShadow: 'borderNeutralLight',
    -  boxShadow: 'borderStandardInverted',
    +  boxShadow: 'borderNeutralInverted',
    -  boxShadow: 'borderStandardInvertedLarge',
    +  boxShadow: 'borderNeutralInvertedLarge',
    -  boxShadow: 'borderFormHover',
    +  boxShadow: 'borderFormAccent',
Aug 20, 2021
  • atoms: Add new boxShadow values:

    • borderCautionLight
    • borderCriticalLight
    • borderInfoLight
    • borderPositiveLight
    • borderPromoteLight
  • Box, atoms, vars: Add large and xlarge to borderRadius scale

  • apac and seekBusiness themes: Increase size of focus ring (accessed via the boxShadow value of "outlineFocus") and use updated colour palette.

Jul 8, 2021
  • Add wide breakpoint of 1200px

    This adds support for wide to the following touchpoints:

    • Responsive values, e.g.
      { mobile: 'small', wide: 'large' }
    • Responsive range props, e.g.
      <Columns collapseBelow="wide" space={{ mobile: 'small', wide: 'large' }}>
    • The responsiveStyle function, e.g.
      export const className = style(responsiveStyle({ wide: '...' }));
    • The breakpoints object, which now exposes the number 1200 via breakpoints.wide, i.e.
        mobile: 0,
        tablet: 740,
        desktop: 940,
        wide: 1200
Jun 21, 2021
  • Add atoms function for accessing re-usable atomic classes within vanilla-extract stylesheets

    Braid's re-usable atomic classes were previously only available via Box, but they are now accessible via the new atoms function.

    // styles.css.ts
    import { atoms } from 'braid-design-system/css';
    export const className = atoms({
      paddingTop: 'small'

    This allows you to co-locate custom styles with Braid's atomic classes in your stylesheets.

    // styles.css.ts
    import { style, composeStyles } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
    import { atoms } from 'braid-design-system/css';
    export const className = composeStyles(
      atoms({ position: 'absolute' }),
      style({ top: 300 })