<Card> <Heading level="4">Product Designer</Heading> <Text>Braid Design Pty Ltd</Text> <Text>Melbourne</Text> <Text>Information Technology</Text> <Text>150k+</Text> <Text>Long description of card details providing more information.</Text> <Text>2d ago</Text> </Card>
<Card> <Stack space="large"> <Heading level="4">Product Designer</Heading> <Text>Braid Design Pty Ltd</Text> <Text>Melbourne</Text> <Text>Information Technology</Text> <Text>150k+</Text> <Text>Long description of card details providing more information.</Text> <Text>2d ago</Text> </Stack> </Card>
<Card> <Stack space="large"> <Stack space="small"> <Heading level="4">Product Designer</Heading> <Text>Braid Design Pty Ltd</Text> </Stack> <Stack space="small"> <Text>Melbourne</Text> <Text>Information Technology</Text> <Text>150k+</Text> </Stack> <Text>Long description of card details providing more information.</Text> <Text>2d ago</Text> </Stack> </Card>
<Card> <Stack space="large"> <Stack space="small"> <Heading level="4">Product Designer</Heading> <Text>Braid Design Pty Ltd</Text> </Stack> <Stack space="small"> <Text tone="secondary">Melbourne</Text> <Text tone="secondary">Information Technology</Text> <Text tone="secondary">150k+</Text> </Stack> <Text>Long description of card details providing more information.</Text> <Text size="small" tone="secondary"> 2d ago </Text> </Stack> </Card>
<Card> <Stack space="large"> <Stack space="small"> <Heading level="4">Product Designer</Heading> <Text>Braid Design Pty Ltd</Text> </Stack> <Stack space="small"> <Text icon={<IconLocation />} tone="secondary"> Melbourne </Text> <Text icon={<IconTag />} tone="secondary"> Information Technology </Text> <Text icon={<IconMoney />} tone="secondary"> 150k+ </Text> </Stack> <Text>Long description of card details providing more information.</Text> <Text size="small" tone="secondary"> 2d ago </Text> </Stack> </Card>
<Card> <Stack space="large"> <Stack space="small"> <Badge tone="positive">New</Badge> <Heading level="4">Product Designer</Heading> <Text>Braid Design Pty Ltd</Text> </Stack> <Stack space="small"> <Text icon={<IconLocation />} tone="secondary"> Melbourne </Text> <Text icon={<IconTag />} tone="secondary"> Information Technology </Text> <Text icon={<IconMoney />} tone="secondary"> 150k+ </Text> </Stack> <Text>Long description of card details providing more information.</Text> <Text size="small" tone="secondary"> 2d ago </Text> </Stack> </Card>
<Card> <Stack space="large"> <Stack space="small"> <Badge tone="positive">New</Badge> <Heading level="4">Product Designer</Heading> <Inline alignY="center" space="small"> <Text>Braid Design Pty Ltd</Text> <Rating rating={4.5} /> </Inline> </Stack> <Stack space="small"> <Text icon={<IconLocation />} tone="secondary"> Melbourne </Text> <Text icon={<IconTag />} tone="secondary"> Information Technology </Text> <Text icon={<IconMoney />} tone="secondary"> 150k+ </Text> </Stack> <Text>Long description of card details providing more information.</Text> <Text size="small" tone="secondary"> 2d ago </Text> </Stack> </Card>
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<Card> <Spread space="small"> <Stack space="large"> <Stack space="small"> <Badge tone="positive">New</Badge> <Heading level="4">Product Designer</Heading> <Inline alignY="center" space="small"> <Text>Braid Design Pty Ltd</Text> <Rating rating={4.5} /> </Inline> </Stack> <Stack space="small"> <Text icon={<IconLocation />} tone="secondary"> Melbourne </Text> <Text icon={<IconTag />} tone="secondary"> Information Technology </Text> <Text icon={<IconMoney />} tone="secondary"> 150k+ </Text> </Stack> <Text>Long description of card details providing more information.</Text> <Text size="small" tone="secondary"> 2d ago </Text> </Stack> <ButtonIcon icon={<IconBookmark />} id="save-7b" label="Save job" size="large" variant="transparent" /> </Spread> </Card>