The RadioGroup provides an accessible way to group and control a set of RadioItem components. The RadioGroup is responsible for handling the value, tone, message, and disabled state—determining the presentation and selection of the items in the list.
A message is typically used to communicate the status of a field, such as an error message. This will be announced on focus of the field and can be combined with a tone to illustrate its purpose.The supported tones are: "critical", "positive", and "neutral".
Additional context can be provided with a description. This will display below the field label and also be announced by a screen reader when the field is focused.
Additional context can also be provided at an item level with a description. This will display below the RadioItem label and also be announced by a screen reader when the item is focused.
In some cases it may be necessary for a field to be labelled by another element or even not to have a visual label. Instead of providing a label either aria-label or aria-labelledby can be provided.
Braid components are very explicit about the properties they accept, which makes providing arbitrary data attributes not possible. Instead, a data prop can be provided as a single collection of data attributes.