A message is typically used to communicate the status of a field, such as an error message. This will be announced on focus of the field and can be combined with a tone to illustrate its purpose.The supported tones are: "critical" and "neutral".
Additional context can be provided with a description. This will display below the field label and also be announced by a screen reader when the field is focused.
A Checkbox can be used to represent the value of a group of checkboxes, presenting as:
checked, when the entire group is checked,
unchecked, when the entire group is unchecked, or
mixed, when the group has some of each.
For mixed state checkboxes, you can set the checked prop to "mixed", or provide an array of checked values (e.g. [true, false, false]) to calculate the tri-state value.
For cases where a Checkbox needs to be used without a form field style label, you can use the CheckboxStandalone component.To maintain accessibility, it is required to provide either a aria-label or aria-labelledby property, to describe the field’s intent.
Given there is no visual label, the following features cannot be supported:
Braid components are very explicit about the properties they accept, which makes providing arbitrary data attributes not possible. Instead, a data prop can be provided as a single collection of data attributes.