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Uses native fieldset and legend elements to group and describe both fields as a single form field.
By default, the months are displayed using the short month format. This can be customised by providing the monthNames prop, with a list of 12 items in the desired format.
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Years can be restricted to a range using the minYear and maxYear props.By default, the years are presented in descending order, this can be reversed by specifying the ascendingYears prop.
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Supports all three levels of FieldLabel:
  • label — primary title of the field,
  • secondaryLabel — additional context, typically used to indicate optionality of a field,
  • tertiaryLabel — further context, typically used for providing assistance with a field.
Label (optional) Help
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A message is typically used to communicate the status of a field, such as an error message. This will be announced on focus of the field and can be combined with a tone to illustrate its purpose.The supported tones are: "critical", "positive", "caution", and "neutral".
Critical message
Positive message
Caution message
Neutral message
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Additional context can be provided with a description. This will display below the field label and also be announced by a screen reader when the field is focused.
LabelExtra information about the field
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Mark the field as disabled by passing true to the disabled prop.
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The field prompts may be customised by providing a monthLabel and/or yearLabel and will be displayed to a user when no value is selected.Translation hint The placeholder text is also used as the aria-label for each field within the fieldset.
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In some cases it may be necessary for a field to be labelled by another element or even not to have a visual label. Instead of providing a label either aria-label or aria-labelledby can be provided.

Custom field label

The label for this field is the Heading element before it.
The label for this field is hidden.
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Braid components are very explicit about the properties they accept, which makes providing arbitrary data attributes not possible. Instead, a data prop can be provided as a single collection of data attributes.