
Jul 8, 2021
  • Deprecate useBreakpoint

    This Hook has been deprecated in favour of the new useResponsiveValue Hook.

    This is because useBreakpoint leads consumers to inadvertently couple themselves to the current set of breakpoints, making it risky for us to introduce new breakpoints.

    For example, you may have chosen to detect large screens by checking that the user is on the (current) largest breakpoint (e.g. const isDesktop = useBreakpoint() === "desktop"), but this logic would break if we introduced an even larger breakpoint and the Hook started returning other values.

    To maintain backwards compatibility, useBreakpoint will continue to return "desktop" when the user is technically on larger breakpoints.


    Note that the useResponsiveValue Hook returns a responsiveValue function, so in these cases we're double-calling the function.

    -const isMobile = useBreakpoint() === 'mobile';
    +const isMobile = useResponsiveValue()({
    +  mobile: true,
    +  tablet: false
    -const isTablet = useBreakpoint() === 'tablet';
    +const isTablet = useResponsiveValue()({
    +  mobile: false,
    +  tablet: true,
    +  desktop: false,
    -const isDesktop = useBreakpoint() === 'desktop';
    +const isDesktop = useResponsiveValue()({
    +  mobile: false,
    +  desktop: true
Jul 30, 2020
  • Add useBreakpoint

    useBreakpoint will return the breakpoint the browser viewport currently falls within (mobile, tablet or desktop). As this can only be calculated in the browser, the value may also be null. Window resizing is supported.

    Note: Avoid use of this hook where possible. Responsive properties and media queries are a better option in most cases.