Oct 23, 2023
  • TextLink, TextLinkButton: Ensure consistent underline thickness on weak links

    A subtle bug affecting weak links was resulting in a change in underline thickness on hover. This bug has been fixed such that weak links now always have the same underline thickness regardless of hover state.

Sep 4, 2023
  • TextLink, TextLinkButton: Underline regular links in non-legacy themes

    To improve affordance beyond primarily being colour, a TextLink (and TextLinkButton) will now always be underlined, in line with best practice accessibility guidelines.

    Given this has not been the case previously, this decision has been applied to non-legacy themes only, as such only affecting consumers of seekJobs, docs and wireframe.

  • TextLink, TextLinkButton: Apply themed focus outline

    Apply a focus outline using the relevant focus attributes from the theme, bringing TextLink (and TextLinkButton) into line with the focus treatment applied to rest of the system.

  • TextLink, TextLinkButton: Reduce weak links to regular font weight

    The font weight of a weak link is now reduced to regular weight, reducing the link's visual prominence in addition to following the neutral text colour.

  • seekJobs: Change link colour to neutral

    Changing the foregroundColor token for link on the seekJobs theme to align with neutral text. Our different approach to using colour has seen links dialled back to compete less with other messaging and CTAs.

    This affects the following usages across the system:

    • vars.foregroundColor.link
    • Text (using tone="link")
    • TextLink and (TextLinkButton)
Apr 21, 2023
  • TextLink, TextLinkButton: Improve underline position for wrapping text

    Refine the underline position to be consistent across the whole typographic hierarchy, ensuring it does not interfere with wrapping lines of text.

Apr 19, 2023
  • TextLink, TextLinkButton: Update underline design

    Uplift the design of the the text underline used on TextLink and TextLinkButton components.

Mar 9, 2023
  • TextLink, TextLinkButton: Increase text weight of weak links

    Increases the text weight of weak links to medium, increasing the affordance against standard text. As a result, this makes the weight of all text links consistent.

  • Button, ButtonLink, TextLink, TextLinkButton: Add support for trailing icons

    Provide support for choosing the position of the icon slot within a Button or TextLink.

    By default, the iconPosition will be leading the label, but optionally, can be set to trailing.


      icon={<IconArrow direction="right" />}
Nov 16, 2022
  • TextLink, TextLinkButton: Add icon support

    Provides a designed slot for adding an icon to a TextLink or TextLinkButton. This solves for the problem of underlining the space between the icon and text.


      <TextLink icon={<IconLink />}>...</TextLink>
Nov 9, 2022
  • Support data attribute boolean values

    The data attribute map now supports boolean values. This provides an improvement for the developer experience, no longer having to convert values to strings explicitly.


        'custom-attribute': true,
    // => <div data-custom-attribute="true" />
  • TextLink: Allow native data attributes with anchor api

    Disables the validation against the use of data attributes on TextLink. Given it exposes the full native anchor tag api, it is not invalid to use the native syntax.

Nov 23, 2021
  • TextLink, TextLinkButton: Remove support inside Actions component

    Removing support for TextLink and TextLinkButton components inside of Actions. This was previously deprecated back in v29.26.0 in favour of using the transparent variant of ButtonLink.


    -   <TextLink href="...">...</TextLink>
    +   <ButtonLink href="..." variant="transparent">...</ButtonLink>
Sep 30, 2021
  • Buttons, Fields, TextLinks, Toggle: Use span for field state overlays instead of div

    Produce more valid HTML as div elements are not as flexible with which elements they can be inside (from a validators perspective).

Feb 23, 2021
  • TextLink, ButtonLink: Add support for ref prop

Feb 16, 2021
  • TextLink, TextLinkButton, TextLinkRenderer: Scope deprecation warning to only be in Actions context.

Feb 11, 2021
  • TextLink,TextLinkButton: Deprecate inside of Actions in favour of transparent Button

    Usage of TextLink or TextLinkButton inside of an Actions container should now use a Button with a variant of transparent.

    Previously when a TextLink or TextLinkButton was placed inside of an Actions container, it would be given a custom layout to align with the Button elements. We are deprecating this behaviour.

    MIGRATION GUIDE: Going forward Actions should only contain Button elements. To migrate towards this, both TextLink and TextLinkButton should now use either a ButtonLink or Button respectively, with a variant or transparent.


    - <TextLink href="...">...</TextLink>
    + <ButtonLink href="..." variant="transparent">...</ButtonLink>


    - <TextLinkButton onClick={...}>...</TextLinkButton>
    + <Button onClick={...} variant="transparent">...</Button>
Aug 7, 2020
  • TextLink, TextLinkButton, TextLinkRenderer: Default weight prop to "regular" when nested inside secondary text

    As of v28.13.0, TextLink components that were nested inside secondary text would be "weak" by default, i.e. the same tone as the surrounding text and underlined. In practice, this turned out to be somewhat unpredictable behaviour for consumers. We've now reverted this to the previous behaviour of being "regular" weight by default, i.e. blue and medium font weight.

    Note that, if needed, you can still use the weaker link treatment within secondary text via an explicit prop override:

    <Text tone="secondary">
      The TextLink in this sentence is{' '}
      <TextLink href="..." weight="weak">
Jul 28, 2020
  • TextLink, TextLinkButton: Add weight prop, add weak weight variant

    You can now render links that are underlined while inheriting the tone and weight of its surrounding text.


      This sentence contains a{' '}
      <TextLink href="..." weight="weak">
        weak TextLink.