Mar 31, 2023
  • Add xxxlarge to the space scale

    Extends the range of the space scale to include xxxlarge. This addition is to support an upcoming design uplift that requires greater fidelity in the scale. Note, the new value is also available as a responsive property.


    <Stack space="xxxlarge">...</Stack>
    {/* Or responsively: */}
    <Stack space={{ mobile: 'large', tablet: 'xxxlarge' }}>...</Stack>
    import { atoms } from 'braid-design-system/css';
    atoms({ paddingY: 'xxxlarge' })
    import { vars } from 'braid-design-system/css';
    const space =;
Nov 9, 2022
  • Bleed: Add data attribute support


    <Bleed data={{ testid: 123 }}>
Apr 13, 2022
  • Bleed: Support using span elements via component prop

    Setting the component prop to span will now ensure all elements controlled by Bleed are spans. This is useful when using layout components inside dom elements that should not contain divs from a HTML validation perspective.


    <Bleed space="medium" component="span">
Feb 25, 2022
  • Bleed: Add component

    Introduce Bleed layout component that allows content to bleed out into the parent layout by a specified amount, useful when a content needs to negate the indent provided by a parent component.

    See the documentation and layout guide for more information.


       <Stack space="gutter">
    +    <Bleed horizontal="gutter" top="gutter">
           <Placeholder height={200} label="Header Image" />
    +    </Bleed>
         <Heading level="3">Heading</Heading>
         <Text>Text content</Text>