
1. Upgrade to @seek/skuba@3.7 or newer

Renovate should automatically open a PR for this upgrade. If you haven’t configured Renovate on your repository, reach out in #github.

To upgrade manually, run:

yarn upgrade @seek/skuba --latest

We’ve introduced some new linting rules via ESLint 7 + typescript-eslint 3. See our ESLint guide for some tips, and reach out in #typescriptification if you get stuck on anything.

2. Switch out packages

If you have a small number of repos, run the following local commands on each one:

  1. yarn install
  2. yarn skuba configure
  3. yarn format

If you have a large number of repos, you may yarn global add skuba upfront, then run the following commands on each one:

  1. skuba configure
  2. yarn format

Note: You may need to add yarn global bin to your PATH for the commands to run. See the Yarn docs under Path Setup.

skuba will switch out the following dependencies and rewrite their import paths:

  • @seek/koala → seek-koala
  • @seek/node-datadog-custom-metrics → seek-datadog-custom-metrics
  • @seek/skuba → skuba
  • @seek/skuba-dive → skuba-dive