

Writes a commit to the local Git repository.

import { Git } from 'skuba';

await Git.commit({ dir, message: 'Test a commit' });


Stages all changes and writes a commit to the local Git repository.

Skips the commit and returns undefined if there are no changes.

import { Git } from 'skuba';

await Git.commitAllChanges({ dir, message: 'Test a commit' });


Tries to return a Git branch name from CI environment variables, falling back to the local Git repository when the current working dir is supplied.

import { Git } from 'skuba';

const currentBranch = Git.currentBranch({ dir });


Fast forwards the specified ref on the local Git repository to match the remote branch.

Currently, only GitHub app tokens are supported as an auth mechanism.

import { Git } from 'skuba';

await Git.fastForwardBranch({
  auth: { type: 'gitHubApp' },
  ref: 'branch-name',


Returns all the files which have been added, modified or deleted in the working directory of the local Git repository since the last commit.

import { Git } from 'skuba';

const changedFiles = await Git.getChangedFiles({ dir });


Gets the object ID of the head commit.

This tries to extract the commit ID from common CI environment variables, and falls back to the local Git repository log.

import { Git } from 'skuba';

const headCommitId = await Git.getHeadCommitId({ dir });


Gets the message of the head commit.

This tries to extract the message from common CI environment variables, and falls back to the local Git repository log.

import { Git } from 'skuba';

const headCommitMessage = await Git.getHeadCommitMessage({ dir });


Extracts the owner and repository names from CI environment variables, falling back to local Git remotes.

Currently, only GitHub repository URLs are supported:
import { Git } from 'skuba';

const { owner, repo } = await getOwnerAndRepo({ dir });


Pushes the specified ref from the local Git repository to a remote.

Currently, only GitHub app tokens are supported as an auth mechanism.

import { Git } from 'skuba';

await Git.push({
  auth: { type: 'gitHubApp' },
  ref: 'commit-id',
  remoteRef: 'branch-name',


Resets the specified branch in the local Git repository to a particular commit.

import { Git } from 'skuba';

await Git.reset({
  branch: 'main',
  commitId: 'abcd1234',
  hard: true,