
Configuring a single test suite

In the typical case, your project has a single command to run all of its tests:

skuba test --coverage

This works well out-of-the-box with the annotation features built in to skuba test.

Configuring multiple test suites

If you have multiple test suites in your project, you may have multiple corresponding config files and commands:

  • skuba test --config jest.config.ts
  • skuba test --config

In this scenario, declare unique displayNames so that skuba test can differentiate between the test suites when annotating your builds.

For example, if you set the following display names:

// jest.config.ts
import { Jest } from 'skuba';

export default Jest.mergePreset({
  displayName: 'unit',
  testPathIgnorePatterns: ['\\.int\\.test\\.ts'],
import { Jest } from 'skuba';

export default Jest.mergePreset({
  displayName: 'integration',
  testPathIgnorePatterns: ['\\.unit\\.test\\.ts'],

skuba will generate two GitHub check runs titled skuba/test (unit) and skuba/test (integration) respectively.

Alternatively, you can declare multiple projects in a single config file:

// jest.config.ts
import { Jest } from 'skuba';

export default Jest.mergePreset({
  projects: [
      displayName: 'unit',
      testPathIgnorePatterns: ['\\.int\\.test\\.ts'],
      displayName: 'integration',
      testPathIgnorePatterns: ['\\.unit\\.test\\.ts'],