
skuba migrate help

Echoes the available skuba migrations

skuba migrate help

skuba migrate node20

skuba migrate node20 will attempt to automatically upgrade projects to Node.js 20. It will look in the project root for Dockerfiles, .nvmrc, and Serverless files, as well as CDK files in infra/ and .buildkite/ files, and try to upgrade them to a Node.js 20 version.

skuba might not be able to upgrade all projects, so please check your project for any files that skuba missed. It’s possible that skuba will modify a file incorrectly, in which case please open an issue.

Node.js 20 comes with its own breaking changes, so please read the Node.js 20 release notes alongside the skuba release notes. In addition,

  • For AWS Lambda runtime updates to nodejs20.x, consider reading the release announcement as there are some breaking changes with this upgrade.
  • You may need to upgrade your versions of CDK and Serverless as appropriate to support nodejs20.x.
skuba migrate node20