

An asynchronous worker built on AWS Lambda and deployed with AWS CDK.

SNS -> SQS (with a dead-letter queue) -> Lambda

Comes with configuration validation and infrastructure snapshot testing.

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Added in 3.13.0

  • 10.0.0: Remove template (#1789)

    It is recommended to use the lambda-sqs-worker-cdk template instead.

  • 10.0.0: Add git to the base Docker image (#1775)

  • 10.0.0: Upgrade aws-cdk and aws-cdk-lib to ^2.167.1 (#1740)

  • 10.0.0: Upgrade to datadog-cdk-constructs-v2 2 (#1799)

  • 10.0.0: Fix failing unit test and add start command (#1724)

  • 10.0.0: Upgrade to Node 22 (#1789)

  • 10.0.0: Align with latest AWS tagging guidance (#1782)

  • 9.1.0: Align template with Serverless template (#1577)

    This adds the same boilerplate code available in lambda-sqs-worker along with Datadog integration.

  • 9.0.0: Comply with AWS tagging guidance (#1643)

  • 9.0.0: Replace custom hooks with @seek/aws-codedeploy-infra (#1644)

  • 9.0.0: Point Docker base images to AWS ECR Public and remove constant --platform arguments (#1684)

  • 8.2.1: Remove JSON schema definitions from Buildkite pipeline files (#1624)

    This reverts #1611 due to incompatibility with pipeline signing.

  • 8.2.1: docker-compose v5.3.0 (#1620)

  • 8.2.1: Fix deploy:hotswap script (#1616)

  • 8.2.0: Add JSON schema definitions to Buildkite pipeline files (#1611)

  • 8.1.0: Add extension recommendations to .vscode/extensions.json (#1556)

  • 8.1.0: Add worker config file (#1548)

  • 8.1.0: Make all configuration values explicit (#1560)

    Previously, src/config.ts included optional configuration values and inheritance between environments in the spirit of DRY. While the templated file was wired up in a “safe” way—the production environment never inherited from other environments and explicitly specified all its configuration values—its pattern was misappropriated elsewhere and led to local configuration values affecting production environments.

    Instead, we now list all configuration values explicitly against each environment.

  • 8.1.0: Remove deprecated docker-compose.yml version (#1570)

    Docker has ignored this for a while, and now generates a warning on every build:

  • 8.0.1: Install specific pnpm version via Corepack (#1515)

    Previously, our Dockerfiles ran corepack enable pnpm without installing a specific version. This does not guarantee installation of the pnpm version specified in package.json, which could cause a subsequent pnpm install --offline to run Corepack online or otherwise hang on stdin:

    FROM --platform=arm64 node:20-alpine
    RUN corepack enable pnpm
      "packageManager": "pnpm@8.15.4",
      "engines": {
        "node": ">=20"
    Corepack is about to download
    Do you want to continue? [Y/n]

    To avoid this issue, modify (1) Buildkite pipelines to cache on the packageManager property in package.json, and (2) Dockerfiles to mount package.json and run corepack install:

    - seek-oss/docker-ecr-cache#v2.1.0:
    + seek-oss/docker-ecr-cache#v2.2.0:
         - .npmrc
    +    - package.json#.packageManager
         - pnpm-lock.yaml
    FROM --platform=arm64 node:20-alpine
    - RUN corepack enable pnpm
    + RUN --mount=type=bind,source=package.json,target=package.json \
    + corepack enable pnpm && corepack install
  • 8.0.1: Align dead letter queue naming with Serverless template (#1542)

  • 8.0.1: Replace CDK context based config with TypeScript config (#1541)

  • 8.0.0: Remove BUILDPLATFORM from Dockerfiles (#1350)

    Previously, the built-in templates made use of BUILDPLATFORM and a fallback value:

    FROM --platform=${BUILDPLATFORM:-arm64}
    1. Choose the platform of the host machine running the Docker build. An AWS Graviton Buildkite agent or Apple Silicon laptop will build under arm64, while an Intel laptop will build under amd64.
    2. Fall back to arm64 if the build platform is not available. This maintains compatibility with toolchains like Gantry that lack support for the BUILDPLATFORM argument.

    This approach allowed you to quickly build images and run containers in a local environment without emulation. For example, you could docker build an arm64 image on an Apple Silicon laptop for local troubleshooting, while your CI/CD solution employed amd64 hardware across its build and runtime environments. The catch is that your local arm64 image may exhibit different behaviour, and is unsuitable for use in your amd64 runtime environment without cross-compilation.

    The built-in templates now hardcode --platform as we have largely converged on arm64 across local, build and runtime environments:

    FROM --platform=arm64

    This approach is more explicit and predictable, reducing surprises when working across different environments and toolchains. Building an image on a different platform will be slower and rely on emulation.

  • 8.0.0: Remove account-level tags from resources (#1494)

    This partially reverts #1459 and #1461 to avoid unnecessary duplication of account-level tags in our templates.

  • 7.5.1: Comply with latest AWS tagging guidance (#1461)

  • 7.5.0: Update tests to use a stable identifier for the AWS::Lambda::Version logical IDs in snapshots. This avoid snapshot changes on unrelated source code changes. (#1450)

  • 7.4.0: Remove @aws-sdk/util-utf8-node library (#1326)

  • 7.4.0: Switch to aws-cdk-lib/assertions (#1372)

  • 7.4.0: Use propagate-environment for Docker Compose Buildkite plugin (#1392)

    This simplifies the Docker Compose environment variable configuration required for Buildkite and GitHub integrations.

    In your docker-compose.yml:

    -   environment:
    -     # Enable Buildkite + GitHub integrations.
    -     - BUILDKITE
    -     - BUILDKITE_JOB_ID
    -     - GITHUB_API_TOKEN
        init: true
          - ./:/workdir
          # Mount agent for Buildkite annotations.
          - /usr/bin/buildkite-agent:/usr/bin/buildkite-agent
          # Mount cached dependencies.
          - /workdir/node_modules

    In your .buildkite/pipeline.yml:

      - commands:
          - pnpm lint
          - pnpm test
          # At SEEK, this instructs the build agent to populate the GITHUB_API_TOKEN environment variable for this step.
          GET_GITHUB_TOKEN: 'please'
          - *aws-sm
          - *private-npm
          - *docker-ecr-cache
          - docker-compose#v4.16.0:
    +         environment:
    +           - GITHUB_API_TOKEN
    +         propagate-environment: true
              run: app
  • 7.4.0: Add blue-green deployment, smoke test and version pruning functionality (#1327)

  • 7.4.0: Set maximum concurrency (#1412)

    This prevents messages from going directly to the DLQ when the function reaches its reserved concurrency limit.

  • 7.4.0: Introduce bundling with esbuild, --hotswap and --watch (#1321)

    This template now uses the aws_lambda_nodejs.NodejsFunction construct which uses esbuild to bundle the Lambda function. This reduces cold start time and time to build on CI.

    The --hotswap and --watch options allow you to rapidly deploy your code changes to AWS, enhancing the developer feedback loop. This change introduces deploy:hotswap and deploy:watch scripts to the package.json manifest and a Deploy Dev (Hotswap) step to the Buildkite pipeline. Read more about watch and hotswap on the AWS Developer Tools Blog.

  • 7.3.1: Update to Node 20 (#1317)

    Consider upgrading the Node.js version for your project across:

    • .nvmrc
    • package.json#/engines/node
    • serverless.yml
    • @types/node package version
    • CI/CD configuration (.buildkite/pipeline.yml, Dockerfile, etc.)

    If you are updating your AWS Lambda runtime to nodejs20.x, consider reading the release announcement as there are some breaking changes with this upgrade.

  • 7.3.0: seek-oss/docker-ecr-cache 2.1 (#1266)

    This update brings a new skip-pull-from-cache option which is useful on Warm/Build Cache steps.

    At SEEK, our build agents no longer persist their Docker build cache from previous steps. This option allows a preparatory step to proceed on a cache hit without pulling the image from ECR, which can save on average ~1 minute per build for a 2GB Docker image.

  • 7.3.0: Mount npm build secret to a separate directory (#1278)

    Our templated Buildkite pipelines currently retrieve a temporary .npmrc. This file contains an npm read token that allows us to fetch private @seek-scoped packages.

    New projects now write this file to /tmp/ on the Buildkite agent and mount it as a secret to /root/ in Docker. This separation allows you to commit a non-sensitive .npmrc to your GitHub repository while avoiding accidental exposure of the npm read token. This is especially important if you are migrating a project to pnpm, which houses some of its configuration options in .npmrc.

    Existing projects are generally advised to wait until we’ve paved a cleaner migration path for pnpm.

  • 7.0.0: Require Node.js 18.12+ (#1206)

  • 7.0.0: Change some info logs to debug (#1178)

    The “Function succeeded” log message was changed from info to debug to reduce the amount of unnecessary logs in production. The message will still be logged in dev environments but at a debug level.

  • 7.0.0: Bump aws-sdk-client-mock to 3.0.0 (#1197)

    AWS SDK v3.363.0 shipped with breaking type changes.

  • 6.2.0: Include manifest files in CODEOWNERS (#1162)

    Our templates previously excluded package.json and yarn.lock from CODEOWNERS. This was intended to support advanced workflows such as auto-merging PRs and augmenting GitHub push notifications with custom tooling. However, we are reverting this configuration as it is more common for SEEKers to prefer a simpler CODEOWNERS-based workflow.

    This will not affect existing projects. If you create a new project and wish to restore the previous behaviour, you can manually extend .github/CODEOWNERS:

    * @<%- ownerName %>
    + # Configured by Renovate
    + package.json
    + yarn.lock
  • 5.1.0: Declare dd-trace dependency (#1051)

    This resolves a Runtime.ImportModuleError that occurs if this transitive dependency is not installed:

    Error: Cannot find module 'dd-trace'

    Alternatively, you can configure the Datadog Serverless plugin to bundle these dependencies via Lambda layers:

    -   addLayers: false
    +   addLayers: true
      "dependencies": {
    -   "datadog-lambda-js: "x.y.z",
    -   "dd-trace: "x.y.z"
      "devDependencies": {
    +   "datadog-lambda-js: "x.y.z",
    +   "dd-trace: "x.y.z"
  • 5.1.0: Bump Node.js version to 18 (#1049)

    This release contains some breaking changes to the Lambda runtime such as the removal of AWS SDK V2 in favour of AWS SDK V3. See the AWS Lambda Node.js 18.x runtime announcement for more information.

  • 5.1.0: Prompt for target platform (amd64 or arm64) (#1041)

  • 5.1.0: Use single hyphen in renovate- branch name prefix (#1050)

  • 5.0.0: Bump greeter and API templates to Node.js 18 (#1011)

    Node.js 18 is now in active LTS. The Lambda templates are stuck on Node.js 16 until the new AWS Lambda runtime is released.

  • 5.0.0: Replace Runtypes with Zod as default schema validator (#984)

  • 5.0.0: Replace Runtypes with Zod as default schema validator (#984)

  • 5.0.0: Adjust Buildkite pipelines for new renovate-- branch name prefix (#1022)

    See the pull request that aligns our Renovate presets for more information.

  • 5.0.0: Support AMD64 Docker builds via BUILDPLATFORM (#1021)

    See the Docker documentation for more information. Note that this does not allow you to build on AMD64 hardware then deploy to ARM64 hardware and vice versa. It is provided for convenience if you need to revert to an AMD64 workflow and/or build and run an image on local AMD64 hardware.

  • 4.4.1: Switch to modern Datadog integration (#965)

    Datadog’s CloudWatch integration and the associated createCloudWatchClient function from seek-datadog-custom-metrics have been deprecated. We recommend Datadog’s Serverless Framework Plugin along with their first-party datadog-lambda-js and dd-trace npm packages.

  • 4.3.1: Remove tty disable from pipeline (#918)

  • 4.3.1: Remove unnecessary IAM permission (#908)

  • 4.3.1: Fix README link to ARM64 guide (#913)

  • 4.3.0: Remove .me files (#902)

    SEEK is moving away from Codex to off-the-shelf software powered by Backstage catalog-info.yaml files.

    At the moment we’re only asking teams to document their systems, which typically span across multiple repositories. We may add catalog-info.yaml files back to the templates if there’s a need for teams to document their components at a repository level.

  • 4.3.0: Use ARM64 architecture (#873)

    We now recommend building and running projects on ARM64 hardware for greater cost efficiency. This requires a Graviton-based Buildkite cluster; see our ARM64 guide for more information.

  • 4.2.2: Avoid mutation of logger context (#879)

    We now perform a shallow copy when retrieving the logger context from AsyncLocalStorage.

    - mixin: () => loggerContext.getStore() ?? {},
    + mixin: () => ({ ...loggerContext.getStore() }),
  • 4.2.1: Time out Buildkite test steps after 10 minutes (#842)

    Successful testing and linting should complete within this window. This timeout prevents commands from hanging and indefinitely preoccupying your Buildkite agents.

      - label: 🧪 Test & Lint
    +   timeout_in_minutes: 10
  • 4.2.1: Change deployment method to direct (#868)

  • 4.2.1: Use AsyncLocalStorage to track logger context (#871)

    We now employ this Node.js API to thread logging context through the handler of your Lambda function. This enables use of a singleton logger instance instead of manually propagating Lambda context and juggling rootLoggers and contextLoggers, and is equivalent to #864.


    import createLogger from '@seek/logger';
    import { Context } from 'aws-lambda';
    const rootLogger = createLogger();
    const contextLogger = ({ awsRequestId }: Context) =>
      rootLogger.child({ awsRequestId });
    const handler = async (_event: unknown, ctx: Context) => {'Has no context');
      contextLogger(ctx).info('Has context');


    import { AsyncLocalStorage } from 'async_hooks';
    import createLogger from '@seek/logger';
    import { Context } from 'aws-lambda';
    const loggerContext = new AsyncLocalStorage<{ awsRequestId: string }>();
    const logger = createLogger({
      mixin: () => ({ ...loggerContext.getStore() }),
    const handler = (_event: unknown, { awsRequestId }: Context) =>{ awsRequestId }, async () => {'Has context');
  • 4.2.1: Bump Node.js version to 16 (#862)

  • 4.2.0: Fix progress configuration in cdk.json (#797)

  • 4.2.0: Propagate Buildkite environment variables for lint autofixing (#800)

  • 4.2.0: Exclude DOM type definitions by default (#822)

    TypeScript will now raise compiler errors when DOM globals like document and window are referenced in new projects. This catches unsafe usage of Web APIs that will throw exceptions in a Node.js context.

    If you are developing a new npm package for browser use or require specific Node.js-compatible Web APIs like the Encoding API, you can opt in to DOM type definitions in your tsconfig.json:

      "compilerOptions": {
    -   "lib": ["ES2020"]
    +   "lib": ["DOM", "ES2020"]

    If you have an existing backend project, you can opt out of DOM type definitions in your tsconfig.json.

    For Node.js 14:

      "compilerOptions": {
    +   "lib": ["ES2020"],
        "target": "ES2020"

    For Node.js 16:

      "compilerOptions": {
    +   "lib": ["ES2021"],
        "target": "ES2021"
  • 4.1.1: Disable type checking in tests (#787)

    Newly initialised projects will skip TypeScript type checking on skuba test as it’s already covered by skuba lint. You can now iterate on your tests without running into annoying compilation errors like TS6133 (unused declarations).

    This will be defaulted for existing projects in a future major version. You can opt in early by setting the globals configuration option in your jest.config.ts:

    export default Jest.mergePreset({
      globals: {
        'ts-jest': {
          // seek-oss/skuba#626
          isolatedModules: true,
      // Rest of config
  • 4.1.1: Specify default Buildkite agent (#775)

  • 4.1.0: skuba-dive ^2.0.0 (#766)

  • 4.1.0: Remove variablesResolutionMode (#768)

    This resolves the following deprecation warning in Serverless Framework v3:

    Starting with v3.0, the "variablesResolutionMode" option is now useless. You can safely remove it from the configuration
    More info:
  • 4.1.0: Add NODE_ENV=production to environment variables (#763)

  • 4.1.0: Add NODE_ENV=production to environment variables (#763)

  • 4.1.0: Move environment variables to provider.environment to reduce repetition (#767)

  • 4.0.0: Use --enable-source-maps (#761)

    Stable source map support has landed in Node.js 14.18+ via the built-in --enable-source-maps option.

    We recommend migrating off of custom source map implementations in favour of this option. Upgrading to skuba-dive v2 will remove source-map-support from the skuba-dive/register hook.

    For a containerised application, update your Dockerfile:

    - FROM AS runtime
    + FROM AS runtime
    + #
    + ENV NODE_OPTIONS=--enable-source-maps

    For a Serverless Lambda application, update your serverless.yml:

    - runtime: nodejs12.x
    + runtime: nodejs14.x
    +     #
    +     NODE_OPTIONS: --enable-source-maps

    For a CDK Lambda application, update your stack:

    new aws_lambda.Function(this, 'worker', {
    - runtime: aws_lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_12_X,
    + runtime: aws_lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_14_X,
      environment: {
    +   //
    +   NODE_OPTIONS: '--enable-source-maps',
  • 4.0.0: Disable tty on deploy step (#753)

    Serverless Framework v3 renders progress spinners on interactive terminals. We recommend disabling tty in CI/CD for cleaner log output.

  • 4.0.0: serverless ^3.0.0 (#748)

  • 4.0.0: Replace custom.env configuration with params (#752)

    You can now define environment specific variables using the new Serverless parameters feature. See for more details.

  • 4.0.0: Remove provider.lambdaHashingVersion (#751)

    This resolves the following deprecation warning in Serverless Framework v3:

    Setting "20201221" for "provider.lambdaHashingVersion" is no longer effective as new hashing algorithm is now used by default. You can safely remove this property from your configuration.
  • 3.17.2: Remove qualifier from smoke test invocation (#743)

    Previously, this template’s smoke test hook specified a $LATEST qualifier in its Lambda.Invoke API call. AWS authorised the call based on the unqualified Lambda ARN in our serverless.yml IAM policy, but will stop doing so after April 2022.

    To avoid deployment failures, remove the qualifier in src/hooks.ts. An unqualified call is equivalent to targeting $LATEST.

    - Qualifier: '$LATEST',
    + Qualifier: undefined,
  • 3.17.0: Retrieve GitHub token on Test & Lint (#667)

  • 3.17.0: serverless-prune-plugin ^2.0.0 (#719)

  • 3.17.0: Migrate to AWS CDK v2 (#714)

  • 3.17.0: Fix docker-compose volume mount and deploy output (#695)

  • 3.16.0: Use correct environment key in docker-compose.yml (#654)

  • 3.16.0: Switch to ARM64 architecture (#640)

    These are a bit cheaper and a bit faster than x86 Lambdas:

    The underlying Lambda architecture should be invisible to typical TypeScript Lambdas.

  • 3.16.0: Bump non-Lambda templates to Node.js 16 (#633)

    Node.js 16 is now in active LTS. The Lambda templates are stuck on Node.js 14 until the new AWS Lambda runtime is released.

  • 3.16.0: seek-jobs/gantry v1.5.2 (#634)

  • 3.16.0: hot-shots ^9.0.0 (#639)

  • 3.16.0: Remove pino.Logger indirection (#624)

  • 3.16.0: @seek/logger ^5.0.0 (#621)

  • 3.16.0: Ignore .gantry YAML paths via .prettierignore (#636)

    Gantry resource and value files often live in the .gantry subdirectory and may use non-standard template syntax.

  • 3.16.0: Propagate environment variables for GitHub annotations (#642)

    This enables GitHub annotations for newly-initialised projects with the appropriate Buildkite configuration.

  • 3.15.2: Convert Serverless isProduction config value to boolean (#602)

    This avoids potentially surprising behaviour if you try to make use of this config value in a context that tests for truthiness. The boolean is still correctly applied as a string seek:env:production tag value.

  • 3.15.2: Opt in to new Serverless variables resolver (#601)

  • 3.15.2: Remove README tables of contents (#596)

    GitHub’s Markdown renderer now generates its own table of contents.

  • 3.15.2: seek-jobs/gantry v1.5.1 (#604)

  • 3.15.2: Fail fast on invalid Serverless config (#605)

  • 3.15.2: pino-pretty ^6.0.0 (#594)

    pino-pretty@7 requires pino@7, which has not been released on its stable channel yet.

  • 3.15.1: Remove unknown specifier in catch clauses (#580)

    Strict TypeScript 4.4 now defaults to typing catch clause variables as unknown.

  • 3.15.0: pino-pretty ^7.0.0 (#506)

  • 3.15.0: Configure environment variables and volume mounts for Buildkite annotations (#558)

  • 3.15.0: serverless-plugin-canary-deployments ^0.7.0 (#508)

  • 3.15.0: Prime dev ECR cache in Buildkite pipeline (#503)

    This should result in faster “Deploy Dev” times as the ECR cache will already be warm.

  • 3.15.0: seek-jobs/gantry v1.4.1 (#504)

  • 3.15.0: Remove @types/node resolution override (#498)

    Jest 27.1 is compatible with newer versions of @types/node.

  • 3.15.0: Run “Test, Lint & Build” step in prod (#503)

    This reduces our dependence on a dev environment to successfully deploy to prod.

  • 3.15.0: Remove Yarn cache from worker Docker images (#499)

    This shrinks the cached Docker images that our worker templates generate.

  • 3.14.4: @types/node ^14.17.19 (#490)

  • 3.14.4: seek-jobs/gantry v1.4.0 (#483)

  • 3.14.3: seek-oss/docker-ecr-cache v1.11.0 (#467)

  • 3.14.3: Add test:ci script (#473)

  • 3.14.3: Force @jest/types resolution to fix clean installs (#468)

  • 3.14.3: Use Docker Build secrets (#476)

  • 3.14.3: Use Docker Build secrets (#476)

  • 3.14.3: Group Buildkite pipeline anchors (#474)

    This provides a bit more structure to our pipeline.ymls and allows anchored plugins to be recognised by Renovate.

  • 3.14.3: Default Docker Compose image to empty string (#469)

    This suppresses Docker Compose CLI warnings and errors when running outside of Buildkite.

  • 3.14.3: Use BUILDKITE_PIPELINE_DEFAULT_BRANCH in pipeline.yml (#475)

  • 3.14.3: Add placeholder test coverage configuration (#472)

  • 3.14.3: Build once upfront (#477)

    This employs Buildkite artifacts to share compiled code with each subsequent deployment step.

  • 3.14.2: Set memorySize for smoke test hook to 128 MiB (#457)

  • 3.14.2: Reuse ECR cache in Docker Compose (#453)

  • 3.14.1: pino-pretty ^5.0.0 (#441)

  • 3.14.1: seek-jobs/gantry v1.3.0 (#452)

  • 3.14.0: Banish typeof undefined syntax (#429)

  • 3.14.0: Always build before deploy (#428)

    This prevents stale compiled code from being cached and deployed from ECR.

  • 3.14.0: Prune devDependencies instead of installing twice in Docker (#435)

    The template-bundled Dockerfiles would previously run yarn install twice to build a separate stage for production dependencies only. These have been updated to correctly share the Yarn cache across stages and to use yarn install --production to perform offline pruning.

  • 3.13.1: Trim CDK deployment output (#423)

  • 3.13.1: @types/node ^15.0.0 (#422)

  • 3.13.1: Fix npm token in Buildkite pipeline (#423)