
Styling API

The following styling APIs are only valid within treat files (e.g. Button.treat.js).


Type: function

The createTheme function allows you to register individual themes within a treat file.

import { createTheme } from 'treat'; const theme = createTheme({ brandColor: 'blue', grid: 4 });


Type: function

The style function allows you to create individual style rules within a treat file.

import { style } from 'treat'; export const brandColor = style(theme => ({ color: theme.brandColor; }));

If your styles aren’t dependent on the theme, you can provide a static object instead.

import { style } from 'treat'; export const green = style({ color: 'green' });


Type: function

The styleMap function allows you to easily create multiple namespaces within a treat file.

import { styleMap } from 'treat'; export const variants = styleMap((theme) => ({ primary: { backgroundColor: theme.colors.brand }, secondary: { backgroundColor: theme.colors.accent } }));

This is particularly useful when mapping component props to separate style maps. For example, if you wanted to map these styles to a React component in TypeScript:

import React from 'react'; import { useStyles } from 'react-treat'; import * as styleRefs from './Button.treat'; export function Button({ variant = 'primary', ...props }) { const styles = useStyles(styleRefs); return ( <button {...props} className={styles.variants[variant]} /> ); }

This pattern scales extremely well to atomic CSS patterns. For example:

// atoms.treat.js import { styleMap } from 'treat'; import { mapValues } from 'lodash'; const spacingTokens = { small: 4, medium: 8, large: 16 }; const spacingStyles = (property) => mapValues(spacingTokens, (value) => ({ [property]: value })); export const padding = { top: styleMap(spacingStyles('paddingTop')), bottom: styleMap(spacingStyles('paddingBottom')), left: styleMap(spacingStyles('paddingLeft')), right: styleMap(spacingStyles('paddingRight')) }; export const margin = { top: styleMap(spacingStyles('marginTop')), bottom: styleMap(spacingStyles('marginBottom')), left: styleMap(spacingStyles('marginLeft')), right: styleMap(spacingStyles('marginRight')) }; // etc...


Type: function

Note: This is an advanced feature that you probably don’t need. It can only create themed styles. Only use this if you’ve exhausted all other options.

The styleTree function allows you to create complex, nested data structures based on your theme.

For example, if you wanted to create a nested atomic CSS structure (e.g., which requires iterating over both your white space scale and your breakpoints, you could do the following:

// atoms.treat.js import { styleTree } from 'treat'; import { mapValues } from 'lodash'; const responsiveSpacingStyles = (property) => styleTree((theme, styleNode) => mapValues(theme.spacing, (space) => mapValues(theme.breakpoints, (minWidth) => styleNode({ '@media': { [`screen and (min-width: ${minWidth}px)`]: { [property]: space * theme.grid } } }) ) ) ); export const padding = { top: responsiveSpacingStyles('paddingTop'), bottom: responsiveSpacingStyles('paddingBottom'), left: responsiveSpacingStyles('paddingLeft'), right: responsiveSpacingStyles('paddingRight') }; // etc...

Note: When using styleTree, the babel-plugin does not add a local debug name for you, as it is too complex to infer in most cases. However, you can still manually pass a local debug name to the styleNode function you receive.


Type: function

The globalStyle function allows you to define selector-based styles. This function is purely a side effect and does not create a new class.

import { globalStyle } from 'treat'; globalStyle('html, body', { margin: 0, padding: 0 });